RNase H Lateral Flow Activity Assay Kit


In Stock & Ready to Ship

RNase H activity in a convenient and sensitive colormetric assay that delivers results in real time.  Great for Quality Testing for RNase H activity in enzyme preparations and determination of RNase H unit activity.


Attogene has developed the first of its kind and patent pending technology that uses a novel RNA/DNA substrate tagged on the 5′ and 3′ end with a Biotin that is attached to our streptavidin colloidal gold reporter molecules and a test line tag. In the absence of RNases H, the gold tagged RNA/DNA molecule will flow up the lateral flow strip and bind to the test line using an anti tag antibody (INDICATING that NO RNase H is detected). When RNases H is present or added, however, the RNA strand of the RNA/DNA substrate is cleaved, and the Biotin tagged 5′ and 3′ tags are spatially separated in solution cauing the test line to disapear.

  This test can be used to rapidly and efficiently detect ribonucleases H activity and is a perfect tool for monitoring unit activity or residual RNAse H activity.  

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  • 10 mL Sample RNase-Free assay running buffer
  • 96 well plate
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