The Plant and Algae DNA Isolation Kit (NA2012-01) is specially designed for purification of total DNA from Plants and Algae. The pretreatment method of plant samples will directly affect the production of DNA, the integrity of the fragments thus it is important to ensure that the sample pretreatment process is performed at low temperature. The NanoMag Plant and Algae DNA Isolation Kit comes with proprietary magnetic beads and a specially formulated buffer. The purified DNA can then be effectively eluted with EL and will be ready for use in PCR or other enzymatic reactions or storage at -20°C. The procedures can be fully automated on the magnetic particle processor instrument and ease of use.
Publication using our Kit:
Hamida RS et al. Harnessing Desmochloris edaphica strain CCAP 6006/5 for the Eco-friendly synthesis of silver nanoparticles: Insights into the anticancer and antibacterial efficacy. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland). 2024;29(16):3750.