Looking forward to meeting Attogene customers at Booth 112 at the Austin Convention Center for TCEQ's Environmental Trade Fair & Conference

High quality products to support Pathologists and Biological and Environmental Scientists

Aflatoxin B1 Lateral Flow Kit

  • 10 Lateral flow test strip in cassettes
  • 10 Sample collection/sample preparation bottles
  • 50ml Lateral Flow extraction/running buffer

Fluorescent Universal Lateral Flow Assay Kit (Europium)

  • 50 Lateral Flow Dipsticks (4.5mm)
  • 10 mL Sample assay running buffer
  • 96 well plate
  • Controls

Streptavidin Europium Chelate Microspheres For Lateral Flow

  • Ready to Use  Streptavidin Europium Chelate Microspheres
  • Specifically Designed Running Buffer

Staphylococcus Enterotoxin B (SEB) Lateral Flow Detection Kit

  • Rapid dipstick test for detecting Staphylococcus Enterotoxin B (SEB) in liquid samples
  • Detects 10 ppb and greater Staphylococcus Enterotoxin B (SEB) in the sample



Tetrodotoxin (TTX) Lateral Flow Detection Kit

  • Rapid dipstick test for detecting TTX in liquid samples
  • Detects 10 ppb and greater TTX in the sample



Fluorescent Universal Human IgG/IgM Lateral Flow Serology Kit (Quantum Dots)


Antibody tests are a method of choice to determine if a person has been exposed to a pathogen or not.  They are also incredibly valuable in the detection of autoantibodies that can be found in human autoimmune disorders.  In this test, a biotinylated antigen (User supplied) is mixed with a biotinylated rabbit IgG (bind to goat anti rabbit control line) and sample (human sera or plasma) is simply mixed into with the specially designed assay running buffer in a well of the supplied 96-well plate, mixed and is then added to the sample port of the cassette.  Generally, the reaction is complete in 10-15 minutes.  It is very important to note that the relative stoichiometry between the biotinylated antigen, biotinylated rabbit IgG added, and the streptavidin gold is critical for assay optimization.  The appropriate concentration of biotinylated antigen to use with strips is dependent upon the purity and sequence and a standard curve can be used to determine the relative ratio (generally between 1ng-100ng per test).  A positive control line (biotin-rabbit IgG) antibody will bind to the goat anti rabbit (GAR) line on the test to ensure the assay is running appropriately.

Protein Biotinylation Kit

  • Attogene’s Protein Biotinylation kit provides the user with reagents for labeling proteins
  • Desalting columns for purifying the labeled molecule
  • Convenient and easy to interpret instructions on how to carry out the labeling process.
  • Made by Attogene in the USA

Capsaicin Detection Kit

  • Rapid dipstick test for detecting Capsaicin in liquid samples
  • Detects 10 ppb and greater Capsaicin in the sample
  • Can be used to convert to Scoville heat units