Looking forward to meeting Attogene customers at Booth 112 at the Austin Convention Center for TCEQ's Environmental Trade Fair & Conference

High quality products to support Pathologists and Biological and Environmental Scientists

Brevetoxin ELISA Kit (Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning)

  • Format: 96-well microtiter plate (12 test strips of 8 wells)
  • Standards: 0 | 0.1 | 0.25 | 0.5 |1.0 | 2.6 ppb
  • Incubation Time: 75 Minutes

Congener-Independent Microcystin/Nodularins ELISA Kit (Drinking Water and Ambient Water-Compatible for use with US EPA Method 546)

  • Format: 96-well microtiter plate (12 test strips of 8 wells)
  • Standards: 0 | 0.15 | 0.4 | 1 | 2 | 5 ppb
  • Incubation Time: 75 Minutes
  • Compatible for use with US EPA Method 546

Fentanyl (FYL) Detection Kit (Rapid Lab)



  • Rapid screening test for the qualitative detection of Fentanyl (FYL)
  • Format: 10 tests
  • Run Time: 10 Minutes


For professional use only, not for self-testing.


Microcystin ELISA Kit

  • Format: 96-well microtiter plate (12 test strips of 8 wells)
  • Standards: 0 | 0.05 | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.4 | 2 ppb
  • Incubation Time: 75 Minutes

Monkeypox PCR Kit (MPox PCR dDetection Kit)


The Primerdesign genesig Advanced Kit for Monkeypox is configured for use with any qPCR instrument equipped to detect amplification in the FAM and VIC/HEX channels.

*Available to order for research use only

Mpox Virus (MPV) Antigen test

  • 10 tests per kit.
  • Monkeypox Virus Antigen Rapid Test is a lateral flow chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of monkeypox virus antigen in body fluid samples.
  • Can Detect Clade 1

For professional medical institutions use only, not for self-testing.


10nm Colloidal Gold for Lateral Flow


Specifications 1OD 10nm Gold (1L)

• Number of particles/mL 2.5- 8.6 x 1012
• Gold Concentration (mg/mL) 5.7- 6.0 x 10-2
• Molar Concentration (moles/liter) 0.4-1.4 x 10-8
• Particle Diameter 10 nm /- 1.5

30nm Colloidal Gold for Lateral Flow


Specifications 1OD 30nm Gold (1L)

• Number of particles/mL 1.3-2 x 1011
• Gold Concentration (mg/mL) 4.2-4.7 x 10-2
• Molar Concentration (moles/liter) 2.2-3.3 x 10-10
• Particle Diameter 30 nm /-1.5