GeneAb™ CD71


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Cluster of Differentiation 71 (CD71), also known as Transferrin Receptor Protein 1 (TfR1) or the transferrin receptor, is a cell surface proliferation marker that is involved in the cellular uptake of iron. CD71 is most highly expressed in early erythroid precursors and is fully absent from mature erythrocytes; CD71 is therefore highly useful as a marker for erythroid components within bone marrow biopsy specimens, without interference from mature erythrocytes. CD71 expression has been indicated in invasive breast carcinoma with acquired resistance to tamoxifen, and has been linked to poor prognosis in ER+/luminal-like breast cancer. Anti-CD71 is used in the determination of erythroid leukemia, benign erythroid proliferative disorders, and myelodysplastic syndrome.

SKU: IHC071 Category: Tags: ,



Clone IHC071
Source Mouse Monoclonal
Positive Control Bone Marrow
Dilution Range 1:200