Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB)-Associated Illness
Summary Report – One Health Harmful Algal Bloom System (OHHABS), United States, 2021 | CDC
- Sixteen states voluntarily reported 368 harmful algal blooms (HABs) that resulted in a total of 117 human illnesses and at least 2,715 animal illnesses.
- HAB events predominantly occurred in summer months, peaking in August (92; 25%), and most (90%) of the 368 HAB events occurred in freshwater bodies such as lakes and reservoirs.
- Human illnesses occurred primarily in June (38; 33%), and the most commonly reported signs and symptoms were gastrointestinal, generalized (e.g., headache, fever), and dermatologic.
- Animal illnesses occurred primarily in August (2,328; 86%) and mostly involved wildlife, including a mortality event that killed at least 2,000 bats.
- The most commonly reported signs in animals were genitourinary (e.g., dark urine) in wildlife, followed by gastrointestinal (e.g., vomiting) and generalized (e.g., lethargy) in domestic pets.
- Most HAB events were classified as confirmed (85%), human illnesses as probable (89%), and animal illnesses as confirmed (74%).