Chemicals and Toxics Topics
Chemicals and Toxics Topics | US EPA
This EPA web link covers many important topics including: Chemical safety, Common Substances and Pest Managment, and Releases and Spills.
Chemical safety is an important aspect of environmental protection, and it involves managing and minimizing the risks associated with the production, use, and disposal of chemicals. This includes ensuring proper handling, storage, transportation, and disposal of chemicals to prevent harm to human health and the environment.
Common substances and pest management refer to the use and regulation of substances commonly found in households, workplaces, and the environment. This can include information on the safe use of cleaning products, pesticides, and other chemicals, as well as guidelines for their proper disposal to prevent pollution.
Releases and spills pertain to accidental or intentional releases of hazardous substances into the environment. These can include spills of oil, chemicals, or other pollutants that can have significant impacts on ecosystems, human health, and water quality. Proper management and response to releases and spills are crucial to mitigate their negative effects and facilitate cleanup and restoration efforts.