Looking forward to meeting Attogene customers at Booth 112 at the Austin Convention Center for TCEQ's Environmental Trade Fair & Conference

Lateral Flow

AU201210nm Colloidal Gold for Lateral Flow

AU201330nm Colloidal Gold for Lateral Flow

AU201440nm Colloidal Gold for Lateral Flow

AU201560nm Colloidal Gold for Lateral Flow

AU2016 Protein A Colloidal Gold For Lateral Flow

AU2017Streptavidin Colloidal Gold for Lateral Flow

AU2018Montmorillonite Bentonite Clay

AU2020 La(SSB) antibody serological assay (LSA)

AU2023-01 SCAA – SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Assay

AU2024 Microcystin Test (Rapid – Recreational Water)

AU2024-01 Microcystin Test Kit (Rapid-Lab)

AU2024-02 Microcystin Test Kit (Rapid-Drinking Water)

AU2025 DiscovRX nicotinic AchR

AU2027 Lead Test (Rapid-Field Use)

AU2027-01 Lead Test (Lab-Field Use)

AU2028Nanoclay Powder

AU2029 Mercury Kit (Rapid – Field Use)

AU2029-01 Mercury Kit (Rapid – Lab)

AU2030 Cadmium Test (Rapid – Field Use)

AU2030-01 Cadmium Test (Rapid – Lab)

AU2031 Mpox Virus (MPV) Rapid Test

AU2032 Influenza A+B Antigen Rapid Test Kit

AU2033 SARS-CoV-2+Influenza A/B Antigen Assay

AU2034 Universal Lateral Flow Assay Kit

AU2034-01 Universal Lateral Flow Assay Kit (anti-FAM)

AU2035 RNase-Free Lateral Flow Assay Running Buffer Screening Pack

AU2036 RSV Rapid Antigen Assay

AU2037 Fluorescent Universal Lateral Flow Assay Kit

AU2038 Mpox Virus (MPV) Antigen test

AU2039 Fentanyl (FYL) Detection Kit (Rapid Lab)

AU2040 Goat Anti Rabbit Colloidal Gold For Lateral Flow

AU2041 Goat Anti Mouse Colloidal Gold For Lateral Flow

AU2042 RNaseFLOW RNase Activity Assay

AU2043 Streptavidin CdSe/ZnS Qdots for Lateral Flow

AU2044 Universal Human IgGIgM Lateral Flow Assay Kit

AU2045 RNase H Lateral Flow Test Kit

AU2046 Capsaisin Lateral Flow Test Kit

AU2047 Tetrodotoxin Lateral Flow Test Kit

AU2048 Staphylococcus Enterotoxin B (SEB) Lateral Flow Test Kit

AU2049 Fluorescent Universal LFA (Europium)

AU2050 Streptavidin Europium Beads

AU2051 Aflatoxin B1 Lateral Flow Test Kit

AU2052 Human IgG IgM Universal Assay (Europeum)

AU2053 Fluorescent Universal Lateral Flow Assay Kit (2-3 Line) R-Phycoerythrin

AU2054 Blank 4.5mm Lateral Flow Test Strips for LFA Development

AU2055 Streptavidin Phycoerythrin

AU2056 DNase Alarm Dnase Activity Assay

AU2057 Saxitoxin PSP Lateral Flow Kit (Freshwater Streams and Source Water)

AU2057-01 Saxitoxin PSP Lateral Flow Kit (Shellfish Rapid Test)

AU2058 Cylindrospermopsin Detection Kit (Rapid Recreational Water)

AU2058-01 Cylindrospermopsin Detection Kit (Rapid – Recreational Water)

AU2059 Lateral Flow Starter Kit

AU2060 Anti-FITC-FAM Colloidal Gold for Lateral Flow

AU2061 “On Strip” Nucleic Acid Hybridization Lateral Flow Starter Kit

AU2062 Anatoxin-a (ATX) Detection Kit (Rapid – Recreational Water)